School is about to restart. And everyone is busy getting everything ready.
At the garden we worked on some improvements during the summer. We recycled cardboard and had two contractors companies dropping off wood chip obtained from cleaning trees and branches along the roads in Anderson. That way we were able to divert this precious material from the landfill. We used them to cover all the grass in the garden area, making the garden maintenance much easier. We just need to complete a few spots in the garden and lay a border all around the fence. We also recycled some tennis ball and we are using them to cup the fence posts making it look nicer and safer.
We were able to successfully grow corn, tomatoes, eggplants, basil, pumpkins, watermelon, sunflowers, soy beans, potatoes, summer squash.
The summer has been so hot that we already harvested most of the corn, hopefully there will be still some left for when the kids restart school on the 25th of August.
When kids will be back they will be able to harvest tomatoes, watermelons, eggplants, summer squash, basil, potatoes, pumpkins.
They will also be able to collect the lettuce seeds as we left the plants we had in the spring finish their life cycle, so that the kids will be able to learn the all cycle seed-plant-flower-seed.
I want to thank you all the summer volunteers who made possible to have such a fruitful summer garden that will welcome the kids for the new school year.
As school starts we will be seeding some cool hardy plants, to be harvested before the first frost, and we will prepare the beds for their winter rest, well tilled and covered with compost.