
We have a lot of opportunities for volunteers all year around.

The Garden will be open also during summer time so please join our "Garden Club" !

Communicate your availability to wgw.volunteer@gmail.com

Volunteers who would like to work with students during school time must be fingerprinted. It can be easily done at Forest Hills School district main office.

Please take a few minutes to fill out our Wilson Garden Wonder Survey.  It will give us some important information and will let you sing up to volunteer during the school year. If you do not have a child attending Wilson Elementary, please write a note in your comments.

Only Summer time
Sign here for the "Adopt the Garden for a Week" program of the Wilson Garden Wonder Club


Our garden is possible thank to in-kind donations from the all community. We will try to apply for grants too.
If you have any idea for fundraising/grants or you would just donate funding or material, please contact Vanessa Scocchera at wilsongardenwonder@gmail.com

We really appreciate your contributions !

Note - All contribution are tax deductible and can be made to Wilson PTA (For Garden) and sent to Wilson Elementary 2465 Little Dry Run Road, Cincinnati, OH 45244-3299