Sunday, February 13, 2011

A winter surprise: a new compost bin and a new 10ft tall fence

The garden committee has been pretty busy with the garden during the winter.

In the fall we won a YMCA Healthy Living mini-grant of 2500$ to build a so much needed tall fence to keep the deer out of our garden.
We applied to all the building permits, including a zoning appeal with the Anderson Twp. BZA.
We were thrilled when the BZA approved the variance for our fence.
Now that we have all the permits  we can finally build the 10ft fence that will keep deers, raccoons and other creatures away from our veggies.

The construction will soon begin in the first week of March.

When one day I went quickly to look at the garden under the snow in the first week of January, I noticed a brand new compost bin. I asked around from where it was coming from and not having found the donor yet, I just want to thank here the mystery compost promoter.

I'm sure the kids will be so happy to receive all those improvements for their garden. A young student already stopped me in the school recently and asked when the garden was going to start again as he was getting tired of those cold long winter days inside the school.

We are counting the days to spring...