Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Open the garden gate and enjoy the Radish harvest

I need to say that our young gardeners have been very patient and quietly visiting the garden since we seeded to check on their little baby veggies.
So when finally we had them harvest they were very happy. Just a little pull on a plant and here was their little new conquer to be proud of, some very nice red radishes. Many faces were visibly amazed.

I tiny seed can grow a plant, that is not new. But then when you pull the plant a brilliant red  root, that usually is sitting on the shelves of a grocery store comes out. And that is amazing.

While waiting for the radish to be washed the children where more than pleased to do some more weeding and edging and of course look for the biggest earthworm ever.

What a surprise for mommy and daddy, some radishes grown at school! 

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