Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Gardening can be better than going to the gym

Last Sunday I had some nice quite time at the garden. We are in the process to create cardboard/wood chip edges around the beds to stop the grass from invading our precious space. I was there working with my tools, digging, talking to people walking by who were asking information about the garden. For about 1 hr I also had a group of 5-6 deers staring at me and at my two dogs. Luckily we have a natural deer repellent on the fence, that for now has been working in keeping those beautiful and regal creatures out of our beds.
So if you, like me, do not like the gym, but like outdoor activities that do not involve running, I would really suggest to try gardening: it focus your mind on hands activity and relax. Learn more:

The digging is almost done, today was trash day in my neighborhood so I was able to collect plenty of cardboard, plus we collected some pizza boxes during a party in the school. A class will help us placing the cardboard and the wood chip and will learn how to kill grass without chemicals.

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