Thursday, June 10, 2010

All class harvesting at the end of school

On the last week of school all classes were able to complete their garden projects.

A class transplanted beans grown in the class and harvested radishes

and 5 classes harvested the fruit of their work.

They tested lettuce in a dip of oil of olive with balsamic vinegar, happily and proudly brought home spinach and radishes.

And they were all exited they got to be on the news too.


I want to thank all the Garden Committee, the school Principal and staff, the teachers and of course the kids to participate to our first year of school gardening.

Many kids will keep coming to the garden with their parents as part of our "Adopt the Garden for a Week" program organized under the Garden Club.

The Garden Club is open to the Anderson Twp and Newtown communities. If interested click on the "Volunteering" tab on the left inside of the blog page and fill out the survey form with all your information. Someone will contact you and welcome you on board.  

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