Thursday, June 10, 2010

The power of Wilson families and community involvement

Looks like I cannot stop thanking for donations and time dedicated to the Wilson Garden Wonder. 

Dr. John Giennantonio from "Sea of Smile Pediatric Dentistry" kindly supported our garden with funds that allowed us to build a nice gate for the garden. I guess we could name the gate "Sea of Smile Gate" also because kids in our garden are always smiling and happy to take care of their garden and learn about life and healthy foods.

Me and Diane Reynolds went shopping to Home Depot where they helped us selecting all the needed materials.  

Dr. Ron and Diane Reynolds kindly put together the gate.

A little bit of work to dig the holes for the posts....(me and my daughters were still full of energy after the fantastic Forest Hills 5K)

...a cool evening helped the Reynolds complete the installation of the gate..

and now we have a nice and safe entrance to the garden to be proud of.

Thank you all!

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