Friday, May 21, 2010

Children gardening: their feedback "That was so much fun!"

 The past week in between a rain here and there, we were able to have children doing some gardening activities. They weeded

 and weeded

and weeded (everyone with is own style..).

They collected many buckets of weeds and dumped the weeds in one of our compost bins we just started. The best part of weeding was to discover life under ground. The most found living beings were earthworms. One girl discovered a nest of ants that were taking care of their pupa. It was very fascinating observing how those little ants could move pupa, twice their size, to a safer place away from our curious eyes.

We also placed recycled cardboard around the edges of the beds to suffocate the grass that was growing too close to our veggies.

The kids loved to fill up buckets with wood chips,

 then dump the buckets content on the cardboard. They needed to focus on dumping the wood chips exactly on the cardboard, not on the beds (to not kill the vegetables), not on the grass to not waste it.

At times it has been muddy, but we made sure the kids cleaned their shoes so moms and school custodians would not get too unhappy.  

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